Welcome to Stimulus Watchdog, a non-partisan effort to shed light on the Economic Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009. Our effort is simple, to move beyond the spin to show you how this bill, the largest non-military spending appropriation in history, works. Come back daily to track the latest employment statistics, browse the bill text, view the tax benefits for you, view the special interest spending, and much, much more.
At the top of our home page you will notice two permanent features, the Unemployment Rate Tracker and Statistical Summary that will be updated continuously.
The full text of the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act is now available through our sidebar.
Summaries of the individual tax benefits and credits, along with our "Porkulus" (special interest spending) sections will be updated on an ongoing basis.
Be sure to sound off on the stimulus plan while you are here!
Daily posts including information you should know, economist analysis, and more will be provided so be sure to sign up for our email updates.
We also provide a job board that provides you access to more than 2.8 million jobs nationwide and special offers for small businesses and individuals.
Come back daily.
How Much Stimulus Is Needed To Create A Job?
$787 Billion = 4 million Jobs (Rhetoric is 3 to 4 million jobs)
CBO Reports Potential Job Creation of 1.2 - 3.5 million jobs.
$196,750 To Create A Single Job (based upon Obama Administration estimates)
Number Of Unemployed Americans As Of 2/15/09:
11.6 Million
Number Of Unemployed Americans As Of 3/01/09:
12.5 Million
Net Number of Jobs Created By President Obama's Economic Stimulus Package:
Undetermined - No Data Available
CBO Reports Potential Job Creation of 1.2 - 3.5 million jobs.
$196,750 To Create A Single Job (based upon Obama Administration estimates)
Number Of Unemployed Americans As Of 2/15/09:
11.6 Million
Number Of Unemployed Americans As Of 3/01/09:
12.5 Million
Net Number of Jobs Created By President Obama's Economic Stimulus Package:
Undetermined - No Data Available